Tutorial For Making Form In Html For Beginners

1:27 PM
Tutorial For Making Form In Html For Beginners

Among the important features of HTML are: form tags. That is a tag that we use to collect input from users, this concept is the same as the concept of forms in the real world.

Generally, a website always has a form feature, the most common examples we often encounter are:

login form

sign-up form

comment form on a blog / media

Element <form>

The most important is the tag or element <form>. It is a wrapping tag or container that represents a “form” where one form can have multiple fields.




The <form> tag itself does not have any appearance or is invisible to the naked eye, but we still have to define it so that the form we create can work properly.

Elemen <input>

In HTML, there are many types of input models ranging from text, files, checklists, and so on which, God willing, we will discuss in more detail in the next few meetings.

And most of these types of fill models use <input> tags.


<input type="text" name="name" value="joe">

Output :

The input tag has 2 basic attributes, namely:

  • type
  • and names.

The type attribute is used to define the type of the field, while the name attribute is the name of the field.

Several types of input tag input types such as text (default), radio, checkbox, submit, button and so on:

<input type="text">

<!-- choice (a, b, c, d) -->

<input type="radio">

<!-- type ceklis -->

<input type="checkbox">

<!-- button for submit -->

<input type="submit">

<!-- button not for submit -->

<input type="button">

Text Field

The first is a text field, it is an input tag with a type="text" attribute that functions to collect text fields from the user.

Even without writing type="text", the default type of an input is text.




    <label for="first-name">First Name</label> <br>

    <input id="first-name" name="first-name" placeholder="First Name">


  <div style="margin-top: 1rem">

    <label for="last-name">Last Name</label> <br>

    <input id="last-name" name="last-name" placeholder="Last Name">



output :

In the code above, we use the <div> element to wrap the <label> and <input> elements. The use of the <div> element here only works so that the label and input are displayed in a new line, so even without using a <div> is fine.

One more thing, because the <label> and <input> elements are inline elements, we must use a "certain way" (such as using the <br> tag) so that the label and input are displayed on a new line.

If you don't use div or br (as in the example below):


    <label for="first-name">First Name</label>

    <input id="first-name" name="first-name" placeholder="First Name">

    <label for="last-name">Last Name</label>

    <input id="last-name" name="last-name" placeholder="Last Name">


The output will be inline:

Element <label>

Take a look at the HTML code above: we have two <label> elements.

The <label> element does look like a typical <span> element, but it has a special function: to label an input field.

Because when a screen reader reads the content of an HTML page, then finds an input, it will read the corresponding label.

Another function of the <label> tag is: when we click on a label, the browser will put focus on the field associated with it.

We can associate an <label> and an <input> with the for attribute for the label, and the id attribute on the <input> with the exact same value.

Consider the following example:

<label for="input-name">Name</label>



<input id="input-name">

In the code above, the <input> element has an id of name-field, and the label element has a for attribute with the same value, namely name-field.

Output :

Radio Button

Next is the field with the radio type. It is an option type field where we can offer several options to the user. However, only one option can be selected.



  Gender: <br>


    <input id="ml" type="radio" name="gender_">

    <label for="ml">Male</label>



    <input id="fl" type="radio" name="gender_">

    <label for="fl">female</label>





In the options above, we can only choose one of each.

The thing to note is that the name attribute of each radio button must have the same value in a set of options. In the example above, we have gender_

Check boxes

Next is the checkbox or checklist. The difference with radio, we can choose more than one option in a set of options.

Let's change all type="radio" in the previous code to type="checkbox". 


  Gender: <br>


    <input id="ml" type="checkbox" name="gender_">

    <label for="ml">Male</label>



    <input id="fl" type=" checkbox " name="gender_">

    <label for="fl">female</label>



Output :


In the example above we can select (tick) all the available options.

Element button submit

The next input element that we will discuss in this form introduction is input type submit.

It is an <input> displayed in the form of a button. If this input is clicked, the form will be submitted and the browser will start sending data.

Example :


  <input type="text" name="name" value="Joe"> <br>

  <input type="submit" value="Submit">


output :

We can also use element <button>


  <input type="text" name="name" value="joe"> <br>



Buttons that are in a form will automatically be considered type="submit". If we want to create a plain button that doesn't submit <form>, we can add the attribute type="button"

In the code above, when the "Save" button is clicked, it will not submit the form because it is of type normal button (type="button"), not submit type

How to Process the Form

When a <form> is submitted, using either a <button> element or an <input type="submit">, the browser will send the data to the URL defined in the action attribute in the form tag.

Meanwhile, if the action attribute is not defined, the browser will use the current URL as the destination for sending data.

Example :

<form action="/ process-registration ">



In the example above, when the form is submitted, the browser will send the existing data to the URL /process-registration

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